Cutting Aluminum With Miter Saw | (step by step)-2023

Cutting aluminum with miter saw can be a challenging task, especially if you’re new to the material or the tool. But yes, utilizing a miter saw and a non-ferrous metal cutting blade, you can work with aluminum. You can cut aluminum with a wood blade as well if the wood blade has the required teeth for the thickness of aluminum.

A miter saw is a good tool for cutting aluminum pipes, extrusions, and channels, among other things, but also keep in mind that It will cause more wear than normal woodworking use. If you plan on cutting a lot of metal I’d suggest getting a proper saw for it.

In this guide, we’ll explore appropriate blades for cutting aluminum with miter saw and the steps you need to take to achieve clean, precise cuts every time you cut aluminum with a miter saw. Aluminum is a versatile material that is commonly used in construction, manufacturing, and DIY projects.

Understanding Aluminum

Understanding aluminum’s characteristics is crucial before we start the cutting process. Although it is a soft, lightweight, pliable metal that is simple to form, aluminum is also vulnerable to chipping and shattering when being cut. To protect your safety and the caliber of your job, it is imperative that you take the required safeguards.

Cutting aluminum With Miter Saw Using A Wood Blade

You can cut aluminum with a wood blade as well if the wood blade has the required teeth for the thickness of aluminum. Opt for a blade with more than 10 teeth per inch of diameter when cutting less than half of a quarter-inch (1/16th of an inch) thick aluminum. For example, if you have a 10-inch miter saw, utilize a blade with at least 100 teeth.

10 Inch Blade Diameter x 10 TPI (Teeth/inch) = 100 Teeth.

Most of the wood blades available in the market can vary from 20 teeth to 200 teeth depending on the diameter of the miter saw. So, you can select one according to your need keeping the above calculations in mind.

How to Cut Aluminum With Miter Saw? (Step By Step)

1. Prepare For The Cut

You can start preparing the aluminum for cutting after gathering your instruments. With a pencil or marker, mark the material after measuring it. Verify your measurements a second time to verify the precision and prevent errors that could lead to material waste.

2. Securing The Material

Aluminium has a propensity to move around and vibrate while being cut, which can make it difficult. You must secure the material using clamps or a vice to prevent this. This will hold the material firmly in place and stop it from shifting or shaking, which could result in uneven cutting.

3. Choosing The Right Blade

To get clean, accurate cuts while cutting aluminum, the appropriate blade selection is essential. The best option for cutting aluminum is a carbide-tipped blade since it is strong and can manage the material’s softness without breaking or cracking. Or you can go with a specialized non-ferrous metal cutting blade ideally. Wood blades can also be an option with the right amount of teeth for the thickness of aluminum. Before utilizing the blade for cutting, make sure it is clean and sharp.

4. Setting Up The Saw and Blade

It’s time to set up the saw after you’ve fastened the aluminum and selected the proper blade. Start by setting the blade’s height to correspond to the material’s thickness. The blade must be positioned so that it may cut through the material in a single motion.

Next, change the saw’s angle to the cut’s desired angle. You can achieve this by utilizing an angle finder tool or the saw’s angle gauge. Make sure the saw’s locks are tightly tightened to prevent movement when cutting.

5. Cut The Aluminum

It’s time to make the cut now that everything is in place. Turn on the saw while donning your hearing protection and safety eyewear. Maintaining a tight grip on the aluminum, lower the blade onto the material gradually. Allow the saw to do the work rather than trying to force the blade through the material, which can result in uneven slices.

As you cut through the material, be mindful of the blade’s position and your fingers’ proximity to it. Keep your hands and fingers away from the blade’s path to prevent injury.

6. Finishing The Cut

After cutting the material, switch off the saw and wait until the blade stops spinning before removing it. Verify the cut’s precision and smoothness. If necessary, smooth off any sharp edges with a file or sandpaper.

Tools Required For Cutting Aluminum With Miter Saw

While cutting aluminum with miter saw, you will need the following tools:

  • Mitre saw with a carbide-tipped blade
  • Safety glasses and ear protection
  • Clamps or a vise to secure the material
  • Measuring tools (ruler, protractor, or angle finder)

Expert Tips For Cutting Aluminum With Miter Saw

Choose The Right Blade:

When cutting aluminum with a miter saw, it’s important to use a blade that’s specifically designed for cutting non-ferrous metals like aluminum. Look for a blade with a high tooth count and carbide tips.

Set The Saw Speed:

Adjust the speed of the miter saw according to the thickness of the aluminum being cut. A slower speed is best for thicker materials, while a faster speed can be used for thinner materials.

Use Lubrication:

Applying a lubricant to the blade and the aluminum can help reduce friction and heat buildup during the cut. This will not only help to prolong the life of the blade but also produce a cleaner, smoother cut.

Wear PPE (personal protective equipment):

When working with a miter saw, always wear eye protection and hearing protection. In addition, wear gloves and a dust mask to protect your hands and lungs from the fine aluminum dust that will be generated during the cutting process.

Test On Scrap Material:

Before cutting your actual piece of aluminum, it’s a good idea to make a test cut on a scrap piece of the same material to ensure that you have the correct blade, speed, and lubrication for the job.


Mitre saw cutting aluminum is a simple technique that needs careful planning, the appropriate equipment, and some patience. You may consistently make clean, accurate cuts by following the instructions provided in this manual, assuring both your safety and the caliber of your work. If you keep in mind to exercise the essential caution and select the right blade for the task, you’ll be cutting aluminum like a pro in no time.


Can I use a regular saw blade to cut aluminum?

It’s not recommended to use a regular saw blade to cut aluminum because it’s not designed to handle the material’s softness. A regular saw blade can easily chip or crack the aluminum, resulting in a poor-quality cut. If still going for a regular wood blade, opt for one, that has more teeth.

How do I choose the right blade for cutting aluminum?

A carbide-tipped blade is the best option for cutting aluminum because it’s durable and can handle the material’s softness without chipping or cracking. Make sure to choose a blade with a high tooth count to achieve clean, precise cuts.

What safety precautions should I take when cutting aluminum with miter saw?

Always wear safety glasses and ear protection when using a miter saw. Secure the aluminum using clamps or a vise to prevent it from moving or vibrating during cutting. Keep your hands and fingers away from the blade’s path and avoid forcing the blade through the material.

Can I cut aluminum with a sliding compound miter saw?

Yes, a sliding compound miter saw can be used to cut aluminum. However, make sure to secure the material properly and use a blade that’s designed for cutting aluminum.

What is the maximum thickness of aluminum that can be cut with a miter saw?

The maximum thickness of aluminum that can be cut with a miter saw depends on the saw’s blade size and the saw’s motor power. As a general rule, most miter saws can handle aluminum up to ΒΌ inch thick. However, it’s always best to consult the saw’s manual or manufacturer for specific recommendations.

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